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July 15th, 2024

Easier ways to stay more hydrated

During the summer heat and actually all year round, and when exerting yourself, it’s important to stay fully hydrated. At Azulon at Mesa Verde, we care about you and your health. Seniors have specific water needs. Here are some tips to make getting your daily water intake easier. First, check with your doctor to determine how much water they recommend daily, considering your health and the prescribed medications you’re on. Once you determine that information from them, there are simple ways to stay on track that the National Council On Aging recommends. You can add more foods to your diet that have high water content already in them, such as watermelon, strawberries, and lettuce. The next tip is to carry water with you wherever you go. There are all kinds of stylish and functional water containers that will keep your water cool and look good, too. If you have a smartphone, you can set reminders/alarms for yourself on the calendar to drink more water. Try to limit caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea as they can dehydrate you. And to keep things tastier, try adding slices of cucumber, lemon, apples, or berries to your water. At Azulon, we’ve also got a refreshing swimming pool and air-conditioned residences and amenities to keep you more comfortable when the heat index goes up. Let’s stay cool together. Contact us today.
